entertowinA lot of people ask me about my novel. You can find information about the novel in this section of my website here. You can also read about it on my Facebook fan page here.

I don’t want to say too much about the novel  because I don’t want to take away from the experience of reading it for the first time. I want it to knock the reader off his feet from the time when he first opens the book until the time he finishes it.

I have tried, more or less, to build a wall between what I post here on this blog and what I have written in my novel. I don’t want the two to overlap. Often times I find myself biting my tongue here in this forum or when I read people’s thoughts elsewhere because a topic, in some measure,  is touched upon in my novel.

Besides, if I were to start talking about anything in the novel, I would end up raising more questions than I answered. Then I’d have to tell you pretty much the entire story. Then I’d have to kill you. Neither of us want to go there.

So it’s time to change the subject to something completely different: my  Facebook “Like” Giveaway. The magnificence of this great quest begins below in the mysterious Rafflecopter box.

The Rafflecopter concept is self-explanatory to a large extent. But there is one thing that might not be so obvious. You can gain extra entries by tweeting my tweet  daily. After you tweet it,  Rafflecopter leaves a space for you to post the URL to the tweet in a blank space. You must leave a different URL each time you tweet the message and you can only get credit for that tweet once per day. Copying a previous day’s tweet URL to the blank tweet space could get you disqualified by Joey Raffela, the Raffelcopter enforcer. You don’t want to mess with this dude.

The contest lasts only one week.

Have fun and thank you for your support!


Facebook “Like” Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway